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Body Talk Sore Throat

A sore throat is related to your ability to voice how you think and feel. Not saying what you want to say is often connected to a sore throat – holding on to words. It can also be related to having said something that you regret. However, the fact that you said them means there is a feeling behind them for yourself that you need to investigate. If you get tonsillitis often, you may struggle to speak up for yourself and in the past you may have felt judged and rejected when speaking up for yourself. Hence why you block yourself from speaking up now. If you often get tonsillitis, then perhaps you find yourself agreeing with everyone to avoid confrontation – in other words, people pleasing. Your sore throat may present itself when you are trying to keep two groups of people happy and it’s impossible. The sore throat is then reminding you to stand with what you believe, and to be your own voice. Sore throats often hold anger. The more anger, the more your throat will hurt and the more pus there will be.


Sometimes people can come across as unapproachable and dominating to try to manipulate you into not saying anything. If you can’t say anything then this needs to be addressed. Do you know why you can’t say it? Is it because you think the other person won’t get it? Is it because you avoid confrontation? Are you frightened of the other person’s reaction? Other people’s reactions to your words is about them and, to be honest, none of your business – it just tells you more about them. It is you we are trying to work out. Your reason as to why you can’t say it tells us about you, and what you are working on. It might be standing up for yourself, or including yourself, or just allowing yourself to speak out.


Self-Empowerment Tip        

The first part in getting your self-empowerment back with a sore throat is understanding why you have it – that’s the key.


Did it start on the right side or the left side? The right side is in relation to a male, career or control. The left side is about female, family and nurturing. When did it start? What were you doing or what were you about to do before it started. Is it a reaction to a person, a group of people or a situation?


Know what you want. Is it about something you want to say, or is it about the fact that you don’t let yourself have a voice, so you hold back how you feel, even from yourself?


Do you know what you want to say?


When you understand why this situation gets to you. You have your power back. Then you can decide whether you say something or not. The choice, of course, is yours. Sometimes just the awareness of the situation can help you move your feelings above it so it doesn’t get to you anymore. Other times it is important to allow yourself to speak up for yourself.


For example:

If you realise you have a sore throat the Sunday night before going back to work or school, is it because you find yourself in a situation where you may be agreeing with everyone and not ever saying how you think or feel?

If you realise that you are really angry at someone else, then know why you won’t say anything. Is it because it’s more important to avoid confrontation? If so, then by saying nothing how can this situation ever change if the other person doesn’t know how you feel?


When your boss is horrible every Wednesday morning and you realise their snappiness is not directed at you, and the truth is they are stressed, you can choose whether you call them on it. By that I mean making them aware of their behaviour; or you can choose to ignore their rant on Wednesdays and not let their words get to you.


If you realise your sore throat is based in a feeling of anger, we can then think it’s the other persons fault and therefore give our power away to the other person to fix it. For example, if they apologise, or they include us, or they even just care about us then we wouldn’t be angry. We often think we are angry at ‘the other person’; however, if we break it down we are angry at ourselves (which is a whole other article). For now, we are angry at ourselves because somehow we don’t think we have the right to, or we feel inadequate to stand up for ourselves, because we allow others to walk all over us, to overlook us, to reject us because we don’t stand up for or include ourselves. We don’t have a voice for ourselves, so really we are angry at ourselves. The only person who can fix our continuing sore throats is us when we allow ourselves to have a voice for us, to speak up for us. For us to be important.


The secret with communicating. Whenever you are confronting, challenging or just letting someone know how you feel, do just that. Keep your power in this situation to own how you feel. You can do this by using the word ‘I’. I feel, I react, I respond, I am ... this way it is still your situation to fix. Don’t become a victim and give the power in this situation to others to fix it by using the word you. You do, you are, you don’t, you never, you always. Allowing ourselves to really communicate is the beginning of real relationships.


The most important and only person you can’t live without is you. Understand yourself. Empower yourself. Love yourself.



Mel Ryan  100% You

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